
Sunday 24 October 2021

DMIC Problem:

Task Description:
This presentation is about what we learnt about in class about DMIC problem like ,what is DMIC problem , How to solve the questions , and how to explain how you worked it out. 

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Adorable Algebra:

Disclaimer: This is fiop work from week 5.

Task Description:
This presentation about adding, we had to switch words into numbers and then add them, and we also had to add numbers on a 2D shape and see what your numbers comes up as. 

Wk4 - Word Problem:

Disclaimer: This is FIOP work from week 4.

Task Description:
This presentation is about what we learnt about in adding/multiplying numbers back in week 4, it was a pretty simply task so it didn't take that long.

Thursday 16 September 2021

Concrete Coordinates

- Disclaimer: follow up work from week 4 work site. 
Task Description: 
This is a presentation that I created talking about what coordinates are and stuff like that, it was quite hard but soon I got used to it a little. 


- Disclaimer: This is a finish up work from week 2/3.
Task Description:
This is a presentation about algebra, it is about adding numbers together but instead of adding numbers its more like letters (meaning letters are switched into numbers) and then adding them together. 

Amazing Algebra

- Disclaimer: This is finish off work from week 2/3 
Task Description:
This is my presentation that I made talking about what we have been learning in class today and its all about turning letters into numbers. 

Introduction To Algebra

Disclaimer - This is a Finish up work.
Task Description: 
This presentation is a maths work slide that me and my classmates did for week 2/3 maths work, we learnt all about algebra and what it means, and how to add the numbers and other stuff.